  • Release Date:‌ 2639/10/28 - 11:59 AM
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The Secretary General of the Holy Shrine of Imam Ali (PBUH) Meets with Agriculturalists Aiming at Developing a Specialized Agricultural Department.

The Secretary General of the Holy Shrine of Imam Ali (PBUH) Meets with Agriculturalists Aiming at Developing a Specialized Agricultural Department.

The Secretary General, the engineer Yusuf Mahdi Aal al-Sheikh Radhi, met with the agriculturalists of the holy shrine of Imam Ali (PBUH) discussing developing an agricultural department.

“We gathered the employees that are specialized in agriculture and discussed the first step to establishing such a department. This project will not be limited to the needs of the holy shrine; rather it will cover the needs of the city,” he stated to the Media Center of the Holy Shrine.

“The city lacks green areas for both planting and picnicking. We want to begin this project to render better services to the citizen and the pilgrims to Najaf holy city. Through this precise and comprehensive study, Allah’s will, we are going to be able to establish this suggested project,” he hastened to add.